WWE 2K23/2k22 Demo Reel 2023
WWE 2K23/2K22 Demo Reel Breakdown

1. Superstar Boogeyman: Responsible for cloth simulation setup for the the bottoms, different necklace pieces, elbowpads and wristpads.
2. Superstar Xia Li: Responsible for hair simulation setup the character's hair for both the ring and entrance sequences. Responsible for cloth simulation setup for the different attire parts like the bottom cape and tights. Responsible for the cloth simulation setup for the hat and nunchucks prop.
3. Superstar British Bulldog: Responsible for hair simulation setup. Responsible for the cloth simulation setup for the flag.
4. Superstar Io Shirai: Responsible for cloth simulation setup for jacket and the hood pieces. Assisted in setting up the attributes for the Hood to provide support for animation team for the cutscene animation.
5. Superstar Papa Shango: Responsible for cloth simulation setup for the cape and the necklace. Responsible for prop simulation setup for the cane and the skull.
6. Superstar Ronda Rousey: Responsible for the hair simulation setup. Responsible for the cloth simulation setup for the jacket and the skirt.
7. Superstar Logan Paul: Responsible for cloth simulation setup for the jacket, necklace and the bottom pants.
8. Superstar Rikishi: Responsible for cloth simulation setup for the the tassels on the bottoms.

9. Superstar Machine Gun Kelly: Responsible for hair simulation setup. Responsible for cloth simulation setup for necklace and the earrings.
10. Superstar Sarray: Responsible for hair simulation setup. Responsible for cloth simulation setup for the skirt.
11. Create a Superstar (Female): Responsible for cloth and hair simulation setups for multiple custom parts in different categories like Jackets, Bottoms, Necklaces, Shoes, Tops etc.
12. Create a Superstar (Male): Responsible for cloth and hair simulation setups for multiple custom parts in different categories like Jackets, Bottoms, Necklaces, Shoes, Tops etc. 

To view more please visit the link : https://niharikajain.myportfolio.com/work
Animation Demo Reel 2023
Animation Demo Reel Breakdown: 

1. A Legendary Friendship : Spiderman and Deadpool Rig provided by Kiel Figgins. Done for practice as part of Animtober challenge.

2. Kung Fu Fighting Sequence: Stewart Rig provided by Animation mentor. Done as part of Advanced Body Mechanics course on Animation Mentor.

3. Dog sniffing sequence:
Sloan Dog Rig provided by Animation Mentor. Walk created as part of Body Mechanics class on Animation Mentor taught by Elliot Roberts.

4. Gymnast Jump Sequence: Stella Rig provided by Animation Mentor. Done as part of Advanced Body Mechanics course on Animation Mentor.

5. Lion Walk Cycle: Lion Rig provided by Animation Mentor. Created as part of Creature Animation Workshop on Animation Mentor taught by Shawn Kelly.

Spell Attack: Rig By Joe Daniels. Animated for practice. Responsible for creating particle effects.

7. Golf Shot Sequence: Done as part of Advanced Body Mechanics Course on Animation Mentor.

8. Angry Walk Sequence: Created as part of Body Mechanics course on Animation Mentor.

9. Gorilla Behavior Study Sequence: Ape Rig provided by Kiel Figgins. Created as part of Creature Animation Workshop on Animation Mentor taught by Shawn Kelly.

10. Animated Short Film 'Sirena': Responsible for animating all the shots. To watch the entire film please click on the link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRZ0_Pxw8lI.  To learn more about the project please visit our website: https://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/sirena/.
Technical Art (Rigging and Simulation) Demo Reel 2020
Technical Art( Rigging and Simulation) Demo reel Breakdown:

1. Fish School Simulation: Responsible creating the simulation using particle emitter. Responsible for rigging and animating the fish. Fish model by Turbosquid. To view more crowd simulation please visit the link: https://niharikajain.myportfolio.com/crowd-simulation.
2. Human Biped Rig: Sculpted, Modeled, Rigged and Animated the character as part of Animation Production Pipeline Class. Responsible for lighting, rendering and editing the short. Please visit the link to watch the animated short: vimeo.com/340372032
3. Jelly Fish Simulation: Modeled and Rigged the jellyfish. Created tentacles using ncloth and particle effect using n-particles. 
4. Pulley and Rope Simulation: Simulation created using nhair and ncloth in Maya.
5. Snow Tracks Animation and Simulation: Snow tracks created using nparticles in Maya.
6. Moths Attracted to Light: Moth crowd created using Maya mash and flocking behavior to attract them to a light. 
7. Rig for Animatronic Tom Foolery: Created a rig replicating the mechanical design for the animatronic using IK controls and custom Python script. Responsible for animating the animatronic. To learn more please visit: etc.cmu.edu/projects/miracle-workshop-2
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